Qualitative research, historically and currently, has been primarily produced in predominantly white countries. Under such circumstances, it is difficult to ignore the embedded oppressive, dominant sensibilities that have been rendered ubiquitous, ahistorical, acultural, and value neutral. Within such a context, critical and de/colonial qualitative researchers interrogate the entangled oppressive effects of multiple power structures and colonialism. Drawing on embodied experience from her travel and contemplative practices, Bhattacharya demonstrates the discursive and materialistic difference between geographically privileged and marginalized locations. She juxtaposes insights gained from an acute awareness of existing in two locations to inform an interconnected, discursive understanding of qualitative research. Bhattacharya offers provocations throughout the chapter to encourage readers to create their own pathways of inquiry, informed by ethics, reciprocity, and relationality across differences. By engaging in generative and expansive methodological possibilities, options and justifications for non-traditional methods of inquiry emerge.