Forensic psychology involves the application of the science of psychology into the law. Forensic psychologists are often called to conduct evaluations of individuals in a civil or criminal legal proceeding. Psychologists who practice forensic psychology utilize a multi-method assessment that includes clinical interviews, psychological testing, and review of medical records, legal documents, and collateral information. When court appointed or retained by counsel, forensic psychologists work within a psycho-legal and adversarial context where all aspects of the assessment are scrutinized at a very high level. The psychologist’s expertise is challenged by opposing counsel, and outcomes can come with direct consequences for the plaintiff or defendant. Court-related evaluations that involve criminal cases operate under legal jurisdiction, and psychologist-evaluators must be familiar with state laws and responsive to the specifics regarding forensic psychology practice as addressed in the standards of the Ethical Principals of Psychologists and Code of Conduct and Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists.