For nearly five decades, the nation's Area Agencies on Aging have been addressing the needs of older adults in rural America. The 622 AAAs serve virtually every community in the US and are a part of the Aging Network, which includes the federal Administration on Aging, State Units on Aging, and other community-based providers that AAAs partner with to provide services. AAAs assess community needs and develop area plans to address these needs, coordinating services and supports to ensure that older Americans have the opportunity to age-in-place. Every three years, the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging conducts a survey of all AAAs in the country for the US Administration for Community Living to track services and emerging trends. Nationally, the integrated care initiatives that AAA survey respondents are most likely to provide are Medicaid 1915 waivers, Veteran-Directed Home and Community-Based Services, and Medicaid Managed Care 1915 Waiver programs.