The Dual Navigation Approach is a new theory of parental involvement that is based on a series of meta-analyses that have been undertaken examining the specific effects of various components of parental involvement. In this chapter, the author introduces a very practical model to guide academics and school leaders/managers into supporting parental involvement in their schools. The model is called the Dual Navigation Approach (DNA). This rubric is based on six meta-analyses that he conducted over the last 15 years. What is presented therefore is a data-based paradigm of parental involvement, which will help academics, as well as school leaders and managers, understand what parental involvement programs in their schools can become considerably enhanced. The DNA model more fully distinguishes and develops the two primary branches of parental engagement, i.e., the school-based component and the home-based aspects. This author presents each of these two components as being like hands that have five “fingers” each, which represent the various kinds of parental involvement. According to the author, when these two hands work together, student education outcomes can be greatly enhanced. The practical significance of these findings is discussed.