Appropriated Interiors explores timely emergent scholarship in the fields of interior design history, theory and practice. The global pandemic as well as the Black Lives Matter movements create new vantage points for both scholarly and personal considerations of the interior. The interior can ever so keenly be understood as a privileged site of safety, comfort and solace. Appropriate also speaks to propriety, to suitability and fitness. The ability to be or to appear correctly is a priori to belonging to any social group. Both property and propriety are fully entwined with received ideas about the interior. Propriety, like taste, is strongly associated with the interior. Punks were largely white, working-class youth in the United Kingdom (UK), becoming legible to mainstream culture and media in the middle of the 1970s. Punk culture was largely played out in clubs and bars, not surprising considering that music was its ostensible social glue.