The term “Glass Ceiling” was mentioned at the Women’s Exposition in New York in 1978, given by Marilyn Loden, a mid-level manager at New York Telephone Company (Vargas, 2018). Coincidentally she wasn’t supposed to be there but was asked to attend last minute when the company’s only female vice president was unable to attend (Vargas, 2018). Loden gave a speech and referred to the “invisible” barrier as the “glass ceiling,” which prevents women from moving upwards in higher level positions. These barriers have been perpetuated by societal norms, organizational culture, policies, cultural practices, and within our everyday verbal behavior based. It’s important to note and highlight that the glass ceiling while initially used generally to describe the barriers women faced in the workforce, these barriers and hurdles are increasingly harder for individuals of diverse racial minority groups and gender identities. The glass ceiling will shatter and come down when individuals from diverse racial and gender groups are free from these hidden barriers. It is not enough for the ceiling to shatter for just women, but for every person, and it’s up to us all to take responsibility and accountability to bring this ceiling down for everyone. Radical behaviorism offers a scientific framework to understand how and why the barriers for women and minority groups in the workplace still exist and offers potential sustainable solutions to develop new behavior patterns within our society, workplaces, and in our everyday verbal behavior.