The Meitei community in Manipur is one of the ancient communities in Far East Asia which has a distinct culture of its own. Since the ancient period, the people of Manipur have deep faith in religion and the culture of song and dance. Among the many socio-religious festivals of the community, Lai Haraoba is the most important and popular festival. The Lai Haraoba ceremony is the source of many art forms such as meitei jagoi, meitei khunung eshei, literature, poetry, theatre, etc. Lai Haraoba is a ritual festival held both in the hills and villages of Manipur particularly among the Meiteis who observe it once a year and continue for several days. It is believed that even before the manifestation of the indigenous people as Meitei community, they were ancestor worshippers. The tradition of worshipping ancestors continues till today, holding ritual ceremonies, and rites to appease the departed souls and spirits of the ancestors.