Food security is a burning issue that has continued to stare many nations in Africa and Nigeria is no exception. There have been concerns about the capacity of rigid traditional means of food production to meet the demands of the growing world population in view of several challenges including diminishing land for agricultural use, soil degradation, and adverse climatic conditions. It is on this premise that government in Nigeria has been putting polices and legislative measures in place to ensure that food is available and accessible by all persons. This study explores the place of technological solutions like high-yielding crop varieties, development of new biotechnology based on genetic modification in enhancing food production and ultimately, food security. In achieving technological innovation, the law plays an indispensable role. Furthermore, it is also imperative for the law to evolve to embrace areas like Intellectual Property Rights in agriculture if only in the spirit of facilitating food security and economic development. Otherwise, achieving Goal 2 of the Sustainable Development Goals which strives to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture will be no more than mere theoretical postulations.