A common problem with the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIS) process is that while stakeholders may reach in-principle agreement on a range of mitigation and development measures, the agreement is seldom translated into an action plan which clearly defines the respective roles and responsibilities of the parties in its implementation. The lack of attention to detailing action plans, particularly implementation and funding responsibilities, often leads to misunderstanding between the stakeholders and failure to adequately address core mitigation and development measures.

The objective of this paper is to introduce readers to tools for social and economic impact assessment and, in particular, the design of mitigation and development measures as part of the Environmental Review and Management Programme (ERMP) process. These tools focus on the use of a Scoping Matrix, Impact Assessment Profile and ERMP Project Submission Format. If properly utilized, these tools can provide stakeholders with a firm foundation for systematically analysing and negotiating strategic design, implementation, management and funding issues prior to project start-up.