Professionals who conduct capacity evaluations often serve individuals identifying with or representing a wide range of diversity factors. Clients come from a variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds that may impact their daily lives and values, as well as contribute to their decision-making process. Aside from race, ethnicity, and culture, other factors can contribute to the examinees’ lived experiences and potentially shape their decision-making process, including disability, language ability, level and quality of education, and literacy, among others. This chapter describes important diversity factors for the evaluator to consider when interviewing, testing, reviewing and analyzing data, and making a final capacity determination. Case examples are presented to highlight how diversity has been addressed by professionals in practice. To provide accurate conclusions about capacity, practical guidance is offered around assessment approaches, including: ensuring testing sessions are accessible to all clients, when and how to work with professional interpreters, and selection of appropriate instruments and norms. Suggestions for best practice and practical applications are also summarized for professionals engaged in this work.