Current statistics report that as many as eight out of 10 COVID-19 deaths in the United States have been persons aged 65 and older. In addition to practicing in the community, gerontological social workers practice in senior living facilities and medical settings; these include assisted living facilities, nursing homes (NHs), and hospitals. These settings have a high proportion of older residents and patients and have been epicenters to especially high rates of COVID-19 cases and deaths. NH residents, especially long-term care residents who live in NHs permanently due to requiring 24-hour level of care, are highly vulnerable to COVID-19. A shortage of gerontology-trained social workers has been reported for over a decade and the latest research identifying social work practice areas reports that less than 10% of licensed social workers practice in the field of aging. Social work programs must engage in deliberate efforts to increase the number of program graduates devoted to practicing in gerontology.