What could be more ordinary in Parisian daily life than a market, food shop, boutique or even a department store? They all form part of the urban landscape and are often as the backbone of social interaction between city dwellers. They are also attractive spots for tourists, as the various food-related businesses that showcase typically Parisian savoir-faire. The question is here of Paris’s attractiveness through the links between cities and shopping, and by analysing a particular population who are the foreign “secondary residents” and see themselves as being beyond mere “tourists” in that they are now looking for a more everyday experience of the city by living in it as residents.

Parisian shops are significant in building up what the inhabitants usually think of as ordinary places as an integral feature of what makes Paris attractive to tourists. They are much more than shops for the “post-tourist” tourists we studied. They provide a function that is ultimately as important as those other cultural places. Secondary residents, with their “in-between” position, highlight also the paradoxes and social tensions caused by contemporary urban social transformations. If those secondary residents are still foreigners in the eyes of Parisians, they remind them of how their familiar world is constructed and above all contingent.