This article reports the findings of a research project which set out to identify and analyze changes in the mission statements of academic libraries within the context of their institutional strategies. The method used was an analysis of the mission statements of UK and German libraries and a questionnaire survey which was sent to all managers of UK and German university libraries. Cross-national comparisons establish differences and similarities in the respective library landscapes. Marketization is highlighted as a strategic driver of change. Of 265 university libraries investigated, 86 UK (57.3%) and 38 (33%) German universities were found to have mission statements or similar. A thematic analysis established “University support” as the most frequently occurring theme. The results of the mission statement analysis are corroborated by the survey, with managers placing “Supporting the university” first. Of 265 library managers e-mailed, 91 responded (34%). In terms of UK and German library mission statements, their analysis reveals that support of their institution is their most common, mutual goal; however, the UK particularly focuses on improving the competitive advantage of their university indicating a more business-practice-based approach.