The focus of this chapter is on the challenges facing modern democratic society. Findings from the study suggest that young people in Latvia could be considered as hostages to unfavourable economic conditions. Quite often they find themselves in the situation preventing their personal and civic growth. It is very unfortunate because the young generation is the one to consider, meaning the source of national vitality and both currently and in the future.

Active citizenship is one of the most important steps towards healthy social development, especially in a new democracy like Latvia. Current and future challenges of Latvian democracy include the further advancement and improvement of knowledge and attitudes towards the main factor of democracy, humanism, which is necessary for effective and responsible citizenship education in Latvian society.

The findings presented in this chapter examine the qualities of citizenship activity and young people’s perceptions of the quality of democracy as shown through key democracy indicators.

True humanistic values need to replace false self-serving values that neglect the needs of others. Young people need to be protected from anti-values that can undermine a country’s sustainable development and citizens’ pride in their country.