Some times in the past, the Northeast region of India was part of what is now Southeast Asia. There were no man-made boundaries or barriers, people moved like clouds do – freely. Various events beyond the control of people overtook them, faster than what they could coup. Northeast India got delinked from its Southeast Asian moorings. A powerful and important link was lost and given scant ‘respect’ and attention it deserves – thereafter. But somehow, the memories lingered on as informal socio-cultural links and ties outside the political narrative. Times changed. Northeast India is at a cross road once again. As India pursues its Look East Policy/Act East Policy, to commercially link with Southeast Asia, has the time for a concerted attempt to resurrect and revive this unique but valuable relationship arrived? An opportunity may be at hand. If trade and commerce is the body, then the socio-cultural link is the soul of Indo-Asian relationship. One needs the other – rather badly.