The central issue of this chapter concerns which paths development of pedagogical knowledge, here specifically about movement learning and education, may follow in times of change. The chapter starts in the apparent contradiction that a surprisingly vague concept - ‘all-round movement capability’ - is foregrounded in the Swedish national physical education curriculum at the same time as the Swedish school system more broadly is under the influence of neoliberal discourses that emphasise certainty and accountability when it comes to students’ learning outcomes. The chapter is then divided into two main parts. The first part takes a closer look at how what educationalist Raewyn Connell has called the neoliberal cascade has affected public institutions, not least schools, in recent decades. The second part presents a new perspective of school knowledge that was developed by influential Swedish educationalists during the same period. This new perspective of knowledge, I maintain, both relate to and distance itself from the neoliberal cascade. The example shows how the neoliberalisation of education sometimes open up windows of opportunity that may give educational activities new directions. In this case, such a window of opportunity has ignited the sport to a new perspective of movement learning and movement capability.