Raphell Sims Lakowitz was born on September 22, 1948. She attended New York City public schools, was an honor student, and was an active member of her student body. Responding to her innate warmth and compassion, Raphell chose to be a psychologist. As a psychology major at Queens College, Raphell was selected to participate in special seminars and research projects at Brooklyn State Hospital and Biometric laboratories. Raphell’s idea has enriched the lives of thousands of patients over the years. Moreover, because of Raphell’s leadership, a whole new way of working with patients developed throughout the field of mental health. When the monument to Raphell was installed at Creedmoor in 1983, Tony Beneri, police liaison officer of the 105th Precinct, was so inspired that he organized the Raphell Sims Lakowitz Basketball Tournament for girls. The Tournament is held in the Creedmoor building named for Raphell, in recognition of her volunteer work there.