Driven by the importance of connectivity to overcome the economic insufficiency and constraints to the available market linkages, BRI and BBIN can both be the effective tools to propel the central Asian economy to lead the worlds’ economic and financial systems consisting of investments, industries, markets and financial institutions comprising of both small and large. The BRIwill not only connect both big and small nations across South Asia and Eurasia with each other but also let investment and market flow to each other. Simultaneously, the BBIN initiative can be another trump card, which can greatly benefit BBIN nations (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal), where small ships through rivers as inland navigation can be materialised, ensuring better connectivity within these four countries through implementing both intra and international transfer of goods and services. This chapter mainly highlights how the ideas of BRI and BBIN can be best capitalised, where both China and India can go further ensuring mutual benefits to each other along with other nations located around them even after the COVID-19 issue that has stimulated many countries, including India to isolate China.