This piece traces Indira Goswami’s field visit to Raebareli before writing her novel Mamore Dhora Tarowal (The Rusted Sword, 1980). She recounts her experiences, and the exploitation and sufferings of the Harijan labourers working at the construction sites. After completing a preliminary study on the Harijans in Delhi, Goswami wanted to acquire some more information and practical insights that would help her in writing her novel. Therefore, she decided to camp in Raebareli which would facilitate her writing process. She knew a private company at that time that employed the Harijan workers in the construction of an aqueduct over the river Sai. Hence, she took an accommodation very close to the workers’ barracks to observe their lives from close quarters. If she wanted she could take a walk to their worksite. Goswami was shocked to the core after witnessing their grueling hard work and their unhygienic, unscientific living condition.