Indira Goswami presents the many landscapes of Chandni Chowk through her association with people, places and events drawing on memory and personal experiences. She gives an account of her visits to Chandni Chowk dotted with ancient shops. She mentions a particular spot where a freedom fighter once struck a British General riding an elephant with a spear who then fell to the ground. Goswami further says that in every dust particle of Chandni Chowk is a page of history buried underneath. Chandni Chowk is the place in Delhi that not only evoked utmost curiosity but also made Goswami nostalgic. She also talked about her times in childhood. Sometimes Goswami would look for that place where a British officer once unclothed himself and drew a chessboard on himself. It is been said that he let his favourite women play the game on his body. Chandni Chowk.