This chapter analyses Goswami’s notions of love in her writings and shows how her narratives leave us surprised by her many-hued expressions of love. Her inference on the nature of man-woman relationship is fresh as it is different from what is used to be generally there in the society; it is a far cry from the conventional and stereotypical patterns on love we carry in our head. Goswami’s vivid picture of life in different strata of society and the sufferings of people come alive in her writings. But she abstains from giving any solution. Neither does she condemn those who are causing or perpetrating these sufferings. One strength of her writing is that the readers tend to believe in different embodiments of love, people practicing myriad ways of life in search of contentment and self-fulfilment, be it a Damayanti of ‘Sanskar’, a Toradoi of ‘Udong Bakso’ or a Padmapriya of ‘Devipithir Tej’. Most of these resourceful and powerful women do not bank upon their relationships with men. They have both accepted, and fought against their situations in life.