The write-up by Sabita Sarma is a personal tribute to her elder sister Mamoni Raisom Goswami. The account dictated to Hemanta Kumar Bharali throws light on the bond between the sisters growing up together in a middle-class family. The persona of Mamoni Raisom Goswami as an established writer and academician takes a back seat in this narrative, as the personal memory of the speaker presents her as a beautiful, self-conscious girl who took up writing seriously at a young age. The image of a loving sister and a dutiful daughter is presented in the account against the eventful personal life of Goswami that is already known to her readers. The personal narrative presents the diverse facets of a multitalented girl and yet what remains at the centre is the image of a thoughtful girl tied to her family and one who was tested by time again and again especially in the matters of her love life. The account of sisterhood makes it a tale of camaraderie and a unique bond. The assertion that the speaker stood by her elder sister’s crises in life makes it an inspiring experience.