BRICS has defied the conventional norms of a grouping. The fact that countries do not belong to a common geographical region and the group does not display any obvious link of commonality often makes BRICS a bit of a conundrum for scholars. The group has however survived and some would argue, has even thrived since its formation. The grouping is often seen as a symbol of south-south cooperation and a counter to the established supremacy of organisations such as the IMF. While it might not have achieved the target of being an alternative to the IMF that has emerged from the global south, BRICS has managed to survive much longer than had been predicted and has made strides when it comes to cooperation among the member nations. The BRICS members have somehow managed to circumvent their interpersonal disputes as well as their domestic politics to come together and still function as a group. For a better understanding of what the BRICS might have to offer in the future, it is important to understand its origin and evolution.

Taking cues from the above the article attempts to explore the origin, evolution, and growth of BRICS.