The more digital technologies become part of our lives, the more their creative potential becomes relevant to clients as part of their lived experiences and healing journeys. This chapter discusses therapeutic creative expression in a three-dimensional Virtual Reality (VR) environment with the drawing software Tilt Brush. The immersive quality in a three-dimensional virtual space allows an embodied experience as the entire surrounding environment is the canvas, thus allowing clients to move around—and even through—the artwork. These positive aspects are contrasted by the limitations of VR, such as the time the client needs to adjust to the VR space and the potential for overstimulating the client. Two researchers on art therapy with VR, I. Hacmun and G. Kaimal, have been interviewed for this chapter to talk about their findings as well as expectations of future developments. The investigations presented here show the benefit to the field of art therapy of embracing VR as a tool for therapeutic creative expression.