Music has been recognised as being beneficial for health and well-being. Listening to music over headphones in public (i.e., mobile music listening) should be given particular consideration in that regard, since the choice of music is solely dependent on the listener. This article contributes to existing literature by summarising findings about the management of mental and physical well-being through mobile music listening. Urban stressors, such as noise or crowdedness, can negatively impact the health of urban dwellers. Listening to mobile music assists with health management by blocking unwanted noise and by giving the choice back to the listener who would otherwise be at the mercy of the environment and its stimuli. Music can also serve as accompaniment when the listener feels socially isolated, thus supporting them against loneliness. All these benefits have to be weighed against disadvantages that are mostly physical in nature, such as staying safe in traffic or preventing hearing loss in the long run. It seems that listeners are aware of these disadvantages, but the advantages clearly predominate for them and so mobile music keeps supporting listeners in their daily lives.