In times of uncertainty, either personal or in a pandemic, the ancient and solid nature of stones can be comforting and dependable. Stones can also spark stories. With the rise of therapy online, play therapists are exploring ways in which they can more meaningfully connect with their clients in a virtual world. Within this chapter, a 10-step creative intervention called Story Stone Play is detailed using the photographs of billion-year-old Death Valley Paint Stones, conveniently available as printed cards. The Story Through Stone Reflection Cards reveal universal symbolic and archetypal patterns occurring naturally within the stone, such as human figures, animals, and landscapes. Guided by Jungian theory and narrative therapy, the Story Stone Play process encourages children to find their own imagery in each stone picture and to tell stories that tap into their feelings, memories, and embodied imagination. The therapist encourages them to then act out their stories through full-body improvisational storytelling. The inner life of the child is validated and drawn out in a creative form that they can feel pride and ownership over. Stones are convenient tools in the therapist's repertoire of therapeutic approaches. The dynamic between practitioner and child becomes embodied and lively, a treasured experience—even through Tele-Play Therapy on Zoom!