As we continue on this lifelong path of discovering our heart, to resist them nonviolently, with humility, to affirm the transcendent values; peace, personal and family security, health, wellness, protecting and conserving the environment and climate, community, freedom, respect for others, inclusion, nonviolence, justice, happiness, and love. We imagine effective health care, at prices comparable to those paid in all other developed countries. The costs we pay for health care and medications greatly surpass the countries of Western Europe. Protest groups often advance a symbolic imagination of alternate possibilities within a community, but this is rarely the same energy needed to populate, organize, and sustain a viable social movement organization over a longer term. The growth of nonpermanent teaching staff tracks with the decline in public support for higher education, which dropped 26% between 1990 and 2010, and the stagnation of salaries, for most faculty, staff, and graduate students.