This chapter performs a re-reading of Indonesian contemporary dance by using the cultural context as a framework. It aims at presenting a construction of cultural identity in Indonesian contemporary dance. Through Indonesian contemporary dance’s first era (the 1980s), inter alia: Bagong Kussudiardja, Wisnoe Wardhana, Sardono W. Kusumo, and Huriah Adam; the next generation of choreographers in contemporary dance (1990s), such as Eko Supriyanto, Mugiyono Kasido, and Ery Merfri; and the youth generation (2000s), the chapter elaborates on the complex relationship between tradition and modernity in each era. This chapter also discusses the relation between cultural context and state that impact to Indonesian contemporary dance, such as cultural diplomacy, festivals, curated programs, residency programs, cultural event exchanges, and conferences. As a result, this chapter will articulate the position of culture from the dancer’s perspectives or works in each era.