In this chapter the author reflects on the negotiation of the Model Additional Protocol (AP), in which she played a key role as the Agency's negotiator. She explores the development that led to the negotiations, particularly the revelations of a clandestine Iraqi nuclear program after the Gulf War and the recognized need to strengthen safeguards. Most analyses of the AP start with the discovery of Iraq's undeclared nuclear program, but its genesis predated that. The period between 1991 and late 1993 was a demanding time, with Iraq, South Africa, and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on the agenda, along with negotiations with Argentina, Brazil, and the Argentine-Brazilian Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials of a quadripartite CSA and its subsidiary arrangements, and the efforts to strengthen safeguards. Between June 1995 and June 1996, the Secretariat carried out regular consultations with Member States, individually and in groups.