The current age of digitalisation has made the majority of organisations and businesses shift towards digital mediums of conducting their operations, made possible through the rapid advancement of technology. The implementation of a two-sided and multi-sided platform globally has accelerated digital transformation and ensures a smooth transition in facilitating interactions and transactions of inter-dependent user groups. A platform and its entities are observed as a digital ecosystem. Entities or actors in the digital ecosystem exchange values between them and collectively create a network of exchange values. The objective of this research is to develop a framework to design and review the digital ecosystem of BruHealth. This research uses BruHealth, initially a contact tracing application that has expanded into a growing multi-sided e-health platform in Brunei Darussalam, as a case to examine and test the framework in representing BruHealth’s ecosystem, and determining development opportunities through analysing entities and the values they exchange within its ecosystem. The framework can also be used as a reference to develop a new ecosystem.