‘Embrace your vulnerability’ is an intermediary artistic exchange project about care, the arts, and pandemic experiences. It took place across several interconnected platforms, texts, community performances, talks, and workshops that experience virtuality between several countries from Latin America from July 2020 and April 2021. The project is coordinated by the Contact Zones project (UERJ) and the Performance Studies and the Living Arts Seminar (ENES, UNAM). Care practices have gained semantic and performative density in recent months, and this led to redemptive narratives that continued to insist on sexist, racist, discriminatory parameters, and invisible obligations. The pandemic has taken charge of taking advantage of the care to support many hegemonies, starting with those attractive to the servants of capitalism. However, it has also been a fertile territory to cultivate potentialised lives, generate experimental immunologies, dense affects, and survival actions. Ingenuity, creation, communities, critical practices in multiple and intermediate dimensions, in networks, at home, and professionally, have emerged as a way of survival. ‘Embrace your Vulnerability’ insists on recording this memory – the text is a reflection of the experience from the point of view of its curators.