This chapter introduces gender-creative parenting as a model that can be applied in educational contexts to create a systemic approach for meaningful voice practices concerned with gender identity. Pupils with diverse genders have tended to exhibit enhanced self-advocacy skills within schools because they are often responsible for replying to inappropriate questions and requesting gender equality and acceptance. The chapter offers a progressive understanding of gender by outlining key concepts and theory. It outlines key concepts of sex, gender, and cisgender. The chapter discusses key theories which explain how children come to understand gender and self-identify their own gender. In the late twentieth century parenting models emerged that sought to apply theory of gender development to parenting practices. Gender-neutral parenting still uses gender and sex markers, such as identifying the sex of a child and using corresponding sex-based pronouns. Gender-creative parenting differs from gender-neutral parenting as a model as it seeks to challenge conceptions of sex as well as gender.