In the aftermath of WWII, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) emerged as a landmark document designed as the moral compass to guide human civilisation towards a more just future. Today, over 70 years after the UDHR was first adopted by the United Nations, the struggle to preserve the dignity, equality, and inalienable rights of all members of the human family continues to be as critical as ever. The UDHR Quilt Project (2017–2018) provides a material example of how collective acts of making can lead to creative outcomes that care for, defend, expand, and put into action the values expressed in the UDHR. Through an exploration of this participatory craftivist project from the perspective of its lead artists, this chapter explores how makers from around the world can come together – with the help of new technologies – to foster a more caring world by defying the authoritarian and neoliberal pressures that place profits and power before people and planet.