The Care Project crystallised at the meeting point of several long-term concerns, ideas and desires, the overarching one being how to counter the harms of neoliberalism to life on earth and unsettle the despair and powerlessness felt in the face of their apparent inevitability. Informed by feminist philosophies and practices, care ethics foreground relatedness, align methods and outcomes, and ask that we revolutionise the values that govern our societies – from valuing the accumulation of capital to valuing life. Care ethics awaken us to new ways of being-in-common by acknowledging shared vulnerability. In one evocation of an alternative economy grounded in care, artist Carolyn Craig described the ethics of generosity and respect that underpin the artist run initiative Front Yard in Sydney which she co-founded. Care ethics look well beyond the pain of human-to-human relations, to the more than human world, proposing that humans have a moral responsibility towards all living things.