Transformations can be thought of as existing on a spectrum that includes rigid-motion transformations, projective transformations, transformations in hallucinosis (T(H)), transformations in K and transformations in O. This chapter focuses on Bion’s theory of transformations, especially T(H), and their place in Antonino Ferro’s Field Theory. It shows how the T(H) concept reflects a state of stasis or contraction in the Field and relates to the formation of what the Barangers called ‘bulwarks’ or ‘bastions’. Transformations in hallucinosis can devolve into disabling psychotic functioning for the patient and threaten to destroy the treatment if not properly tended to by the analyst. Yet, they are also signals and opportunities, as they may be transformed into acute symptoms like a hallucination, retroactively signaling the presence of a hallucinated Field while proactively jolting the analyst awake from hallucinating to dreaming the Field.