The Parkinson's cinematic virtual reality (cine-VR) simulations are useful as a teaching strategy for senior-level baccalaureate nursing students to apply concepts of safety, pharmacological management, communication, and assessment for patients with Parkinson's Disease within the immersive cine-VR environment. Specific learning objectives related to course objectives were determined for the scenarios and included: recognizes patient safety measures, recognizes nursing interventions, and critically analyzes findings to detect changes/variations from normal that may indicate action. The concepts addressed in the scenarios are critical to developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of future nurses as specified in the standards that govern nursing education. Production for the three cine-VR scenarios occurred over three separate days, with one scenario recorded per day. The cine-VR video was captured by placing the camera as close to the patient/nurse interaction as possible without interfering with the characters' movement. The financial impact is undoubtedly a necessary factor to consider for each institution when evaluating cine-VR as an appropriate tool.