Camera movement within cine-VR is a powerful tool but can be a bit tricky. On occasion, the viewer will suffer from a sensation of motion sickness or vertigo. This effect isn't to say that camera movement should be cine-VR taboo, but it does need careful consideration and used in moderation. Spatial audio experiences can be recorded on location using dedicated Ambisonic microphones. While working in an equirectangular format makes certain aspects of editing more manageable, it is also helpful to simulate what our viewer will experience. The most common culprit is differences in color or quantity of lighting. If that occurs, take away any feathering and focus on an area where the difference is most apparent. Then, using the color grading tools in our non-linear editor, adjust the luminance and color values until the two parts of the image become seamless. Additional sounds or entire soundscapes can also be created in post-production.