In the preface of Giving Voice to Values (GVV), Mary C. Gentile states: The main idea behind GVV is the observation that a focus on awareness of what the right thing to do may be insufficient. GVV was used in the weekly core transition team meeting. Typical agenda items included: articulating the purpose of the reorganization; identifying all stakeholders in the reorganization; surfacing legal and ethical possibilities in the work; considering risk management concerns; and understanding rationalization. Leaders perceived as abrasive are generally blind to how their words and actions impact others. Typical conduct may include public humiliation, shaming, threatening, and condescending words. Traditional HR or management approaches to the dilemmas can be more prescriptive or formulaic: analyze the presenting problem; determine performance or conduct slippage; identify any ethical breach; make recommendations; and take action such as discipline, a performance improvement plan or termination of employment.