In 2008, after vigorous debate, students at Ashesi University in Ghana voted into force an examinations honor code, committing to take tests and exams without proctors, upon their honor. Ashesi University was founded in Ghana in 2003 as a private, not-forprofit, non-denominational undergraduate institution with a core mission to educate a new generation of ethical entrepreneurial leaders for Africa. Giving Voice to Values (GVV) was implemented to rally the entire community around the university’s mission to “educate the next generation of ethical leaders in Africa” by including a broad range of stakeholders in the facilitation and delivery of the curriculum. The chapter examines how GVV has been implemented to meet these institutional and pedagogical objectives. It also examines the need for ethical leadership in Africa and current approaches to ethics education on the continent. Within higher education in Africa, ethics is typically taught in the context of the professions: medical ethics, legal ethics, and business ethics.