In Poland, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic happened later than in Western Europe. The first case was diagnosed on 4 March 2020. The early lockdown combined with a high level of social discipline caused by the fear of the coronavirus disease contributed to the restriction of the epidemic in the spring and summer. However, in autumn 2020, a rapid increase in the daily numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases was recorded. So far, the pandemic has resulted in moderate changes to legal provisions concerning the enforcement of prison sentences. Among new solutions in this area introduced in order to prevent and combat COVID-19, a special break in the enforcement of prison sentences and a widening of the possible use of electronic monitoring as an alternative way to serve prison terms should be mentioned. Further changes have occurred in the practice of the execution of prison sentences. They concerned many areas of the functioning of penitentiary institutions, such as prisoners’ contacts with the outside world, and particularly with their families and other relatives, prison labour and other purposeful group activities of prisoners. Restrictions introduced in prisons under the influence of the pandemic as well as measures to compensate for them are analysed on the basis of available data. However, in the current political situation in Poland, little attention is paid to the problems related to the prison system during the pandemic.