This study investigates the role of Chinese-foreign linkages in the innovation trajectory of Guilin GFS Monk Fruit Corporation (Monk Fruit Corp.). Using the linkage-leverage-learning (LLL) framework as our starting point for analysis and integrating complementary theory, we build a relationally and contextually oriented framework for assessing innovation. Longitudinal analysis of archival data, and insights from key respondents, demonstrates that the firm’s innovative and organizational development is inextricably entwined with the process of learning, achieved overtime by leveraging linkages with both domestic and foreign partners. The results also reveal how independent research and development (R&D), coupled with skill in relationship building, applied by the Chinese firm and the individuals within it, can provide an equally important support structure to Sino-foreign innovation. Our results reaffirm the importance of collaboration, but also demonstrate its limits as collaborative organizational relationships evolve from being socially to equity-based over time.