In March 2021, the Federal Minister for Education and Youth gave a speech about resuming work on the 2014 reforms to Australian initial teacher education. It was as if 2020 and all its ramifications had never happened. But education professionals had lived through those 2020 events and had learned how the 2014 reform agenda was limited by its design and implementation. In this chapter, we consider how continuity and change in teacher education happens by examining the experience of 2020 teacher education through the eyes of ‘Gloria’ and her liquid space-times of learning. We trace how she evaluated her teacher education practice to accommodate 2020 events in March, August and December 2020. Tracing how Gloria re-reads pre-pandemic business-as-usual teacher education through 2020 shows how Gloria rewrites her teacher education practice moment-by-moment, with the aim of supporting pre-service teachers as they enter the teaching profession in a 2021 post-pandemic world. But the Minister’s vision of lifting school standards, using a 2030 target defined by test scores, looks past the innovations by Gloria and other education professionals as if they don’t exist.