Nearly 30 years have passed since Ladson-Billings and Tate’s (1995) introduction of critical race theory (CRT) to education. In that time, scholars and educators have built upon the conceptualization of how racism is embedded in American education and how schools currently operate, while also making visible the ways that educators can disrupt systems of harm (Nieto, 2017; Sleeter, 2018). This chapter discusses the pedagogy of an anti-racist summer camp for elementary aged children. The chapter draws from core CRT tenets that center race and marginalized voices, and it advocates strategies like caucusing to empower young people with truth, affirm diverse, authentic perspectives on culturally relevant topics, and create opportunities for youth activism. Thus, the chapter offers insights regarding how elementary teachers can implement anti-racist, socially just pedagogy that makes schools powerhouses of social change to enhance citizen critical consciousness and democracy, and create a more just world.