Increasing migration to cities is currently producing a heavy need for housing. To meet the demand, many are experiencing a steady increase in the number of dwellings, with dwelling sizes simultaneously shrinking. This chapter explores narratives related to the production of shrinking domesticities in two European cities: Helsinki and Vienna. Both cities strongly intervene in the production of housing, but the socio-demographic, political and economic context has changed, leading to a trend of shrinking domesticities. The chapter, therefore, explores similarities and particularities of narratives related to developments of shrinking domesticities. We make two observations: First, although the nuclear family has maintained a favourable position in housing policies compared to other household groups, families actually suffer most from shrinking domesticities as they most commonly live in cramped housing conditions and lack opportunities to find suitable sizes for their needs in new housing. Second, city-led housing and planning policies can dampen but do not fully prevent the aims of developers to increase profit through building smaller units.