The recent rapid expansion of Global English as a lingua franca has seen its predominance as the language of choice for foreign language study increase at the expense of languages other than English (LOTE) such as French or Spanish. The development of bilingual and multilingual education is, however, dependent on many variables and the picture is complex. Although LOTE languages are facing a resulting crisis across sectors in many European and Asian countries as preference to learn English above other languages increases, Anglophone countries provide the majority of contexts in which LOTEs are learned. Here, content and language integrated learning (CLIL) has been found to have the potential to counter the prevailing trend of demotivation for language learning through age-relevant, content-based, meaningful use of the foreign language for learning subject disciplines and language. CLIL practice in these contexts is limited – and as a result, so is research. This chapter provides an overview of CLIL in the Anglophone contexts of Australia and the UK, considers CLIL’s potential for addressing demotivation in learning LOTEs, optimal conditions for implementation and direction of travel.