This chapter is crafted with possibilities in mind and seeks to engage readers interested in how the needs of Masters Athletes (MAs) may be accommodated in mental training in sport. In light of scant research understanding MAs’ needs and preferences in terms of mental training, it interprets the few emerging works to conceive a working framework for applied practice with MAs. Scant empirical work interrogates what mental training looks like and how it is approached with adult athletes. The chapter posits a working model tailored to the special needs and realities of life circumstances of MAs. Masters sport is a unique social ethos that demands investments, sacrifices, and personal entanglements characterizing a subculture. Social norms typically ascribe a participatory discourse for aging adults in sport, that is, being involved for involvement’s sake, for fun and fair play. The emerging literature demonstrates the importance of addressing MAs’ special needs, preferences, and realities.