Citizens whose visibility in the mainstream media has largely been obscured by the presence of elite groups and individuals ‘can now use digital media accessible to them to challenge the status of the professional journalist as the sole “expert” or definer of social “reality”’. Citizen journalism encourages ordinary people to identify and publicly share the realities of their lives as shaped by inequalities and injustices. Competitive elections present opportune moments for citizens to vent out their grievances arising from these structural inequalities and injustices. Humor is regarded as a powerful peacebuilding tool through its capacity to look at the absurd while showing the juxtaposition. Political memes during elections are emerging as popular satirical tools to mock, critique and question politicians in a bid to sensitize citizens to make more informed political choices. Several memes were widely shared on social media platforms as Kenyans tensely waited for the release of the official August eighth presidential election results.