This chapter focuses on two influential thinkers who explicitly addressed the issue of objectivity–Max Weber and Friedrich Nietzsche. For Weber, politics and knowledge are two ideal forms whose essences are fundamentally distinct. He recognises that knowledge can contribute to politics. Weber regarded the classroom as a space where knowledge and truth could be produced in an objective way. For Nietzsche, the attempt to eliminate the human subject from the project of knowing in the valorisation of objectivity is also an act which aims to put truth outside of us/above us. The simplest way to introduce perspectivism in property law is to use the introductory class to unpack the idea of property. Within property law, there is one school of thought that neatly captures this understanding, social relations theory. The contents of First Nations’ laws are complex and diverse. It is impossible to make generalisations across the over 400 Indigenous nations that occupied and possessed Australia prior to colonisations.