Dr. Bruce Onobrukpeya is the leading artist (painting) in his generation in Nigeria and one the African artists whose artwork has been on display at the Smithsonian Institute, Washington DC, University of Wisconsin Madison, and UCLA. He had received numerous awards, including the Nigerian National Order of Merit. In this interview, he talks about his life, career, and training as an artist. The history of Nigerian/African would be incomplete without a review of the training that prepared the first generation of Nigeria's artists, those who were students in the nation's universities in the 1960s, to undertake apprenticeship roles or studies that helped to inspire them to attain greater heights. Onobrukpeya belongs to this generation. This interview helps to shed light on his upbringing, his formative years as an artist in Nigeria, and his maturation as an African artist in the West and at home. What makes him standout among his peers, and why is his art relevant today? These are some of the issues covered in this interview.