The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) was formally established, as the Organization of the Islamic Conference, at the first conference of Muslim heads of state convened in Rabat, Morocco, in September 1969. In June 2011 the 38th ministerial conference changed the name of the organization to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. The executive organ of the organization, the General Secretariat is headed by a Secretary-General and four Assistant Secretaries-General. The first OIC Festival, promoting the role of the organization, was organized in February 2019, in Cairo, and a second was held in April, in Abu Dhabi, UAE. In December 2012 the statute of a proposed OIC Women Development Organization was opened for signature. The OIC Secretary-General repeatedly condemned atrocities committed in Iraq from 2014 by the militant organization Islamic State, and emphasized that the practices of the grouping bore no relation to Islamic principles.